Everything that is happening today...
holds the energy of everything that has come before it.

By building nervous system capacity today, we are chipping
away at the unresolved energies of the past in a manner
that supports the nervous system's ability to process them.

In a 'zoom' video call,
our experience begins by holding the
current physical and emotional suffering,
the current issues and situations that cause you distress with

love and acceptance

while using the Emotional Freedom Technique (somatic)
and some guiding principles of talk therapy (cognitive)
within the Conscious EFT™ post-traumatic growth framework.


We work with 'what is' in your nervous system,
knowing that this is how the energy of the past is showing up today.
This work is supportive of what your biology needs,

without reliving what has happened to it.

By paying preferential attention to signs of clarity within your nervous system
we begin supporting new beliefs,
creating new neuropathways that are both meaningful and desired by you. 

the transformational experience is entirely tailored to your needs,
at a pace that is specific to you

In this way, EFT can be more than a stress management tool,
effectively more than a tool for self-regulation.



our work together has the potential to
change relationship with self
change relationship with others
change relationship with the world